Important Change for GYEDS 2023: We now provide two submission formats: video presentation or written report. Please review these guidelines carefully to ensure your submission aligns with our requirements.

Submission Formats

Option I — Written Report

Your report should follow this structure:

  1. Introduction (200 words max): Briefly introduce your understanding of the problem and your approach to solving it.

  2. Problem Analysis (400 words max): Discuss the problem in detail, including the key factors contributing to it and the impact on the local economy and society. Ensure to include data and statistics.

  3. Solution Proposal (400 words max): Describe your proposed solution in detail, explaining why you believe it would effectively address the problem. Your solution should be realistic, sustainable, and sensitive to the local context.

  4. Implementation Strategy (300 words max): Discuss how your solution could be implemented, including potential partners, funding sources, and a basic timeline.

  5. Potential Challenges and Mitigation (300 words max): Identify potential obstacles to implementing your solution and propose strategies to overcome these challenges.

  6. Conclusion (200 words max): Summarize your analysis and proposal, and make a compelling case for why your solution would be effective.

Report Length and Formatting

Your report should be no more than 1,800 words in total. We recommend that you keep the report concise. Include a cover page with the names of the report contributors, and the title of the case study you are addressing.

Option II — Video Presentation

  • Introduction (1-2 minutes): Briefly introduce your understanding of the problem and your approach to solving it.

  • Problem Analysis (2-3 minutes): Discuss the problem in detail, including the key factors contributing to it and the impact on the local economy and society. Ensure to include data and statistics.

  • Solution Proposal (2-3 minutes): Describe your proposed solution in detail, explaining why you believe it would effectively address the problem. Your solution should be realistic, sustainable, and sensitive to the local context.

  • Implementation Strategy (1-2 minutes): Discuss how your solution could be implemented, including potential partners, funding sources, and a basic timeline.

  • Potential Challenges and Mitigation (1-2 minutes): Identify potential obstacles to implementing your solution and propose strategies to overcome these challenges.

  • Conclusion (1 minute): Summarize your analysis and proposal, and make a compelling case for why your solution would be effective.

Video Length and Formatting

The video presentation should be between 8-13 minutes in total. All references and citations must be listed in the video description. All content must be relevant to the case study.

Report Submission

Submit your case study via the submission form on the YCEE website. All submissions must either be a PDF/Word File upload (Written Report) or YouTube link (Video Presentation). Only one submission per team is allowed. Submissions after the deadline will not be considered. Read more about the timeline and framework here.


The reports will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

  • Understanding and analysis of the problem

  • Creativity and feasibility of the proposed solution

  • Strategy for implementation

  • Consideration of potential challenges and strategies to overcome them

  • Clarity and organization of writing

  • Alignment with all guidelines and rules

The top teams will be invited to present their solutions to a panel of expert judges at the Global Youth Economic Development Summit 2023. Presentations will be evaluated on the quality of the presentation, the team's responses to judges' questions, and the overall persuasiveness of their case.

